2007. szeptember 2., vasárnap

What makes a Witch a Witch?

Amerikai Tiszaeszlár?
A commentary by Lillee Allee

It is sad that Salem, Mass, "the Witch City" again hits national news with a rather embarrassing story. As if the psychic licensing controversy was not enough to put the spotlight on the merchantability of Witches and Witchcraft, now we are told about a side issue. This time, individuals allegedly cut up a raccoon, don black robes, and smear the remains of said racoon on two storefronts. Accusations were thrown around like white on rice, but finally two people are arrested for the deed.

It should stop there. Sick people perform sick acts every day, Unfortunately, we see that certain claims by one of the individiuals who allegedly performed this act are being taken seriously.

Claim Number One:

According to the August 22 article in the Salem News written by Bruno Matarazzo Jr., Sharon Graham who was arraigned for this incident, said that she was "the high priestess of the Salem Witches." Since she used this term in advertising for her own gain, is this simply puffery, or is there any proof of her position? I have my own suspicions, but I leave this to the news reporters in Salem to further research. If she is a priestess of any recognized group, then a simple check of the records in Boston will reveal whether or not she is a minister and whether or not there is such a group as "the Salem Witches." I personally do not believe that she was a member of any recognized religious organization. I am unaware of any group called the "Salem Witches" that is legitimate and in Salem, Mass. Certainly, a reasonable person can understand that there are way too many Witches in Salem for any one person to be a high priestess of the whole community. The fact that she felt she could speak for all the others may also indicate delusions of grandeur.

From my own research, I can comfortably state that she was once a member of a class for the priesthood from a recognized tradition of Witchcraft, but she never completed the class. I think it is a safe conclusion that her interest in Witchcraft began and ended with her interest in gaining money as a psychic in Salem. I have not seen her name on any conference,convention or Pagan Pride day roster. I have never seen her author an article or book in the new age movement or the occult category, In fact, I have not seen her name outside of commercial ventures, I have seen her name around during October in Salem. You may draw your own conclusions.

Is it a coincidence that the same two stores that were targeted are both owned by individuals who did not want any licensed readers who may have questionable credentials, training or backgrounds? Is it a coincidence that there seem to be no other connection to this woman and the two shops or their owners?

There is also the issue of whether she was a "card-carrying Satanist" as she claimed to many, including myself. Wearing a baphoment does not make one a Satanist anymore than carrying a cross makes one a Christian. John Allee states that she said she was a member of the largest Satanist organization, but neither or us saw her "red card" nor did we see any other card that would state she was clergy or a member of any organization.

If we choose to believe her claims, then one only has to look at the Satanic Rules of the Earth, written by Anton Lavey, founder of the Church of Satan. He stated quite clearly that Church of Satan members do not harm animals or children. She can claim what she wants, yet right now her behaviors are not appropriate for anyone, including a Satanist..

Some of those interviewed by the Boston television channels claim the use of the raccoon to be significant. This is simply erroneous in this case. We know there is no Satanic correlation, and Witches do not harm animals in any way. It was Gerald Gardner who popularized the Wiican Reed which clearly states"harm none." While animals are used in rituals of African-Carribbean magic, there is no evidence that raccoons are to be used this way in any of the traditions. Ms. Graham did not self-dentify as Carribbean - but as a "Satanic Witch."

Sadly, this adds more fuel to the fire regarding Witchcraft, and there are hundreds of other Witches in Salem who will go on record to say that this act is not to be identified with Witchcraft. Most Witches will go to great lengths to protect animals, not to use them in a pathetic scare tactic. Most pagans believe in following the laws of the land, and would never condone this type of hate crime. Unfortunately, this is just another example of the occult being used as an excuse for bad behavior. The tragedy is that she is damaging the good works of Witches everywhere by identifying herself as a Witch.

She also happens to have blonde hair. I can assure you her actions do not speak for the actions of any other blondes but herself. Instead of focusing on what these people claim to be, it is time to focus on what would cause an individual to act like this. It is time to look at the individuals allegedly responsible and not blame a group of people for her bad behavior.

We have seen many "Christian" individuals go to jail after being convicted for horrible crimes such as rape and murder. These acts should not and do not reflect on the entire Christian community or on Christians in general. We have seen acts done in the name of religion. Yet these are crimes committed by extremists, and again can reflect on a whole religious belief system. It is clear that this act was not done in the name of any religion. Yet the situation can be taken a step further. I can tell you I am a purple unicorn, that does not mean that I am.

Unfortunately, because the pagan religions and spiritualities rely on self-identification these situations can and will occur. Before the finger pointing, however, a check on the person's activities and organizations will often bear the fruit of truth.

In 1692, people were accused of witchcraft due to their unpopularity in the community. Let the lesson in Salem in 2007 be that anyone may claim to be a Witch, but a quick look at their actions and beliefs may prove otherwise.

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