2007. szeptember 4., kedd

Negură Bunget

Román "harmadikhullámos" black metal, nem rossz. Mellesleg már nincsen nemzetközileg ismert bm zenekar Magyarországon, talán Csihar Attila Tormentorját leszámítva.

Norilor (felhők)

Negura Bunget - Cunoasterea Tacuta (csendes megismerés?)

Burial Chamber Trio in Berlin

Mayhem - Life Eternal (live with Attila Csihar on vocals)

Attila Csihar (born March 29, 1971) is a Hungarian black metal vocalist, best known for his vocal work on the album De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas by Mayhem.

His career started in the Hungarian metal band Tormentor. The band reached a cult status in black metal circles, even without major label releases. In 1992, Attila was invited to perform vocals on De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas after Mayhem's then-vocalist Dead committed suicide. The album became one of the quintessential albums of the genre, even though purist fans consider Csihar's vocals out of place. In the band's now 20 year history, he's the band's only non-Scandinavian member.

After Mayhem, Csihar continued to work in various experimental projects, such as Plasma Pool, Aborym, and Korog. In 2004, he recorded vocals for the song 'Decay2 (Nihil's Maw)' by American Doom/Drone Metal band Sunn O))), and even performed live with the band on their European tour. He briefly performed in Keep of Kalessin as well. Currently, Attila left Aborym in order to rejoin Mayhem as the band's new singer, after their previous singer, Maniac, left. His final contribution to Aborym was performing lead vocals on the song Man Bites God on their 2006 album, Generator. Recently, Attila has joined Greg Anderson of Sunn O))) and Oren Ambarchi in a new project called Burial Chamber Trio. This outfit has recorded one record and released on vinyl by Southern Lord Records and has performed a small number of concerts in Europe in January and February 2007. For these concerts, Attila dressed in a jute sack while sporting a wig that is reminiscent of Norman Bates's mother in Psycho.

Attila is divorced and has two children. He resides in Budapest.

Eyaculacion postmortem - Transylvania

Death SS - Hi-Tech Jesus (videoclip)

a honlapjukat ne hagyjátok ki: www.deathss.com/

Death Ss - Hi-Tech Jesus

Come in the house of the cyber god
And connect your soul to heaven
The digital church grants you salvation
24 hours a day

Kneel to the holy terminal
And send an e-mail to Jesus
Your virtual confessor is always ready
To listen to all your sins

Moving the mouse and touch the monitor
So starts the christian game
Come ask forgiveness for your faults
From the celestial screen

You can clean your soul of all your mistakes
The modern house of god can save you
You'll never be alone with all your regrets
You only need you're credit card!

Type in your sins
And then pray to the screen
Of your hi-tech Jesus!
And then wait for the print
Of your hi-tech Jesus!
Hi-tech Jesus!

You can switch on the program you prefer
And then have a chat with your god
The techno-religion is fully equipped
To satisfy all your needs

Don't forget to leave just a little fee
A share for the plastic lord
With a little expense you'll be always sure
To reserve a place in the sky

You can clean your soul of all your mistakes
The modern house of god can save you
You'll never be alone with all your regrets
You only need you're credit card!

Type in your sins
And then pray to the screen
Of your hi-tech Jesus!
And then wait for the print
Of your hi-tech Jesus!
Hi-tech Jesus!

Death SS: Transylvania

Az ősrégi trash-horror-viccmetál Erdély című dalocskája

Bathory - One Rode To Asa Bay

A svéd Bathory, a black metal első hullámából. Egyetlen videója a Thomas Forsberg alkotta egytagú "zenekarnak". Tovább a wikipédiára

" is a song by Bathory about the introduction of Christianity to Scandinavia and appears on the 1990 album Hammerheart.

Italian metal band Opera IX have made a cover version of this song as well as German metal band Mystic Circle, also it was covered instrumentally by Folk/Viking Metal band Folkvang

Quorthon dedicated the song to C. Dean Andersson, who had earlier sent some of his books to Quorthon. The village's name in the song, Asa Bay, comes from pseudonym Asa Drake which Andersson used in some of his books.

The music video was filmed in Norway to complement the story idea of the song. The video contains scenes of the band performing and a back story of settlers bringing a new religion to the land. The singer/guitar player for Bathory, Quorthon, paid $5,000 out of his own pocket to a man to film the music video. Quorthon explained, "I have never seen it and I didn’t get to see any of the 60 hours of film we had worked on for several weeks." He elaborated, "the guy who was responsible for the whole filming just went on holiday once the last shot was made and he was unheard from and impossible to reach." After several months later "he eventually did send us something," but it was 18 minutes of the 60 hours that were filmed. Meanwhile, it was assumed "the rest of the material is probably erased" and the final product was to remain the edited video that did not represent Quorthon's song idea. Ultimately, it became the first and last video Bathory would make. Even so, the video received play of MTV's Headbanger's Ball, which got Quorthon interviewed on MTV and introduced the band to American audiences. The video has only been available as a bootleg until 2006, when Black Mark Records released a tribute to Quorthon which contains a DVD with Quorthon footage and the video itself.

Bathory - One Rode to Asa Bay

Dedicated to Mr. Dean Anderson

One man rode the way through the woods
Down to Asa bay
Where dragon ships had sailed to sea
More times than one could say
To see with own eyes the wonder
People told of from man to man
The God of all almightyness
Had arrived from a foreign land

The rumours told of a man
Who had come from the other side the seas
Carrying gold cross around neck in chain
And spoke in strange tongue of peace
He had come with strange men in armour
Dressed in purple shirts and lace
Smelling not of beer but flowers
And with no hair in face

And the bold man carrying cross
Had told all one of Asa bay
The God of all man woman child had come
To them all save
And to thank Lord of Heaven
One should build to God a house
And to save one's soul from Hell
One should be baptised and say vows

A man of pride with the Hammer told new God
To build his house on own
And spoke loud of the Gods of their fathers
Not too long time gone
The rumours said the man with a beard like fire
the Hammer in chain
By men in armour silenced was and by
Their swords was slain

Those who did not pay the one coin
Of four to man of new God
Whipped was twenty and put in chains then locked
By their neck to the log
And so all of Asa bay did build
A house of the cross
Every hour of daylight they did sweat
Limbs ached because faith does cost

And on the day two hundred
There it stood white to the sky
The house of the God of the cross
Big enough to take two dragon ships inside
all of Asa bay did watch
The wonder raise to the sky
Now must the God of the cross be pleased satisfied

Just outside the circle of the crowd
One old man did stand
He looked across the waters
And blotted the sun out of his eyes with one hand
And his old eyes could almost see
The dragon ships set sail
his old ears could almost hear
Men of great numbers call out Oden's hail

And though he did know already
Though he turned face towards sky
whispered silent words forgotten
Spoken only way up high
Now this house of a foreign God does stand
Now must they leave us alone
Still he heard from somewhere in the woods
Old crow of wisdom say
...people of Asa land, it's only just begun...